Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hari demi hari, semakin hilang rasa kasih sayang. cemburu dan dengki, sentiasa menghantui diri manusia. apa yang mampu lakukan hanyalah dengan mengalah. penat nak hadapi perkara yang remeh temeh. maaf la, kita mungkin susah untuk menjadi seperti dulu. bukan tidak mencuba, tapi saya da tawar hati. saya sedih bila disisihkan. tapi tidak mengapa, jika itu yang boleh memulihkan kembali hubungan yang telah retak, saya undur diri. ini hanyalah ujian daripadaNya. tidak mengapa. saya pon tidak yakin dengan hubungan ini.

siapa yang tak sedih if terjadi pada diri sendiri. especially if orang yang kita sayang, uyang selalu bersam dengan kita, gelak ketawa, suka dan duka tinggal kan kita dan tak pedulikan kita. tapi, lumrah hidup kan. kadang kala kita di atas, kadang kala kita di bawah. hukum karma. puas aku cari kesalahan aku. xlayak ke aku untuk 'mereka'? mungkin. siapalah aku. tidak setaraf mereka. kalau boleh, aku rasa macam nak lari je daripada semua orang..

menanti tamat belajar. aku tak nak jumpa siapa- siapa lagi..
apa yang aku boleh katakan,
maaf jika diri ini melukai kalian.
maaf jika diri ini mengasari hati dan perasaan.
aku tak mampu menjadi kawan yang baik,
kawan yang selalu menggembirakan hati kalian.
aku cuba,
tapi kadang kala ia sering disalah ertikan..
aku hanyalah insan biasa yang sering melakukan kesilapan..

kalian begitu aku sayang..
aku tidak pernah mendapat layanan yang baik seperti kalian...
aku sayang kalian..
aku rindu kalian..
gelak tawa,
suka duka kita bersama...
saat yang paling dirindui apabila keluar bersama-sama...

tapi kini..
semua nya telah berlalu pergi..
saat saat manis hanyalah kekal di ingatan..

terima kasih kawan...

Friday, January 14, 2011


cmne ye nak mulakan cite?
ak sekadar menulis ape yg aku rase..korang rase senang x nak dapt duit?bagi family yang senang tu, ok la..mintak je ngan parents 4 sure dapat.. nak bpe?ckp jerk...tapi bagi aku, duit susa nak dapat.. maybe bub aku ni bukanlah dalam kalangan family2 yang berada..aku xkesahlah.. aku pon bukan nye ade hasrat nk berbelanja banyak...bagi ak, walaupun xde duit xpe, asalkan bahagia.. betul x?

tapi ak bersyukur.. dalam menilai kehidupan sendiri, rupanya ramai lagi insan yang kat luar sane yg hidup lagi susa dripada aku..

aku ingat lagi.. dulu time sekolah, ak blnje 50 sen je..membe2 bwk singgit, tp ak 50 sen kdg2 ak bwk bekal,,, satu ari tu, aku ade bwk bekal, mak aku masak sedap sangat.. ak ckp ngn mak aku. ma iti nak bwk bekal, nanti xpyh la bwk aku pon bwk la bekal... sampai je kat kantin, aku letak la bekal aku dkt ats bangku, tah mcm mana tah ade sorang pompuan ni terjatuhkan bekal aku..bekal aku jatuh...abes la nasi aku bertaburan atas lantai...sedinhye time tue...ak hanya mampu amik bekal tu blik n tengok je nasi yang bertaburan atas lantai yang telah di makan kucing...ak nak nangis, tapi aku tahan jerk..bila aku tengok nasi tue, ak teringat mak aku letakkan nasi n lauk dalam bekal tue..
ma, nasi iti jatuh.. iti nak mkn pe? iti nak mkn nasi n lauk yang ma masak..sampai skunk law ak teringat, mesti ak nangis..
time sek rendah, mak aku susah pyh crikan rezeki tok kami sekeluarga, pagi2 ma da bangun g keje, buat keropok..tapi yang aku geram aku selalu dapat gaji lmbt..kdg2 ak kesian kat mak aku...keje penat2 tapi gaji dpt lmbt... sampai kan sebulan keje tanpa gaji, pastu bagi plak ckit2 RM50...nak xnk, mak aku terpaksa la keje tok cri rezeki tok kami...sebab tu la ak xmintak duit ngan mak n ayah ak,,ak taw mak ayah ak kna tanggung byk bende.. kdg2 tu 20sen je ak brni minx...
nek sek menengah, ak g skul bwk rm2..tapi duit tu ak xblnje tok mkn..ak simpan2,,cukup seminggu ak kumpul, aku guna duit tu tok bli brg2 skool..ak xnk menyusahkan dorang2..ak kesian kat dorang....bub tu ak salu nagis bila pk kan dorang..dorang da byk idop susa tok tanggung kami, abah, iti syg ma n abah....
time skola, ak g sek nek beskal... ujan ke x ujan, ak tetap redah... yela ak ni mne de kete nk nek.. nk g sek nek kete..setakt ujan pns tu da jd rutin da...kadang2 basikal rosak tgh jln waktu ujan pon ak da pena kena...ak xkisah la org nk ckp pe.. da mang ak da bese idop susa...ak pon x minat nk tumpang2 org nie..segan..n xnk menyusahkan org...kita ni bukannye taw ati orng ikhlas ke x nk tolong better kita usaha sendiri,,tu yang penting....
skunk ak da kat u..m, abh, t dpt masuk u...tapi bila ak dpt tawaran, ak tataw nak sedih ke gembira bub ak taw family ak xkn mampu nk biayai sume,,,time tu plak family ak tgh ade masalh nk diikotkan, ak xkn ade kat sini... time ak dpt twrn tu, abg ak da gtaw awl2 da yg better ak masok f6 je masuk u xde sape nk ak diam kn jerk tu la..ibu bapa kita akan cuba sedaya upaya nk tgk kita berjaya...mcm2 dorang wat..kita tataw...ta2 je da dpt masuk u..hmm..alhamdulillah skunk ak ade kat sinie...walaupun dpt pinjaman ptptn, ak se takut sangat nk berbelanja...hmmm...kdg time ak blik umah, mak ak t tye, ade duit x...walupun ka xde duit, ak xkn ckp yg ak xde duit bub ak taw adik2 ak kat umah lg memerlukan duit tu tok perbelanjaan skul mereka...ak akn cuba ckp ak dorang nak bg rm50, ak akn amik rm10 jer..yang len ak soh dorang simpan wat blnje kat umah..bila adik2 cite masalah kat umat, t otw nk blik segamat t ak nangis dlm bus, terbygkn susah pyh dorg keje...ak xdpt tolong dorg lg...ak xdpt nk tggung dorg lgi.. bub tu ak bjnji nk keje elok2, nt da xpyh kje2,,duk umah goyang kaki jerk,cukuplah dorang da keje keras drpd ak kecik sampai la berusia 20 thun skunk..ak nk bls jasa dorang..ak xdpt imgine law dorg xde kat dunia nie..gelap gelita idup ak...

kepada korang yang idop senang, hargai lah setiap sen yg korang dapat daripada family korang..guna lah duit tu tuk tujuan yang betul...kadang2 kita tataw pe yg parents kita rase..dorang xkn tunjuk kan kesedihan dpn kita..dorang tabah,.,.belajarlah drpd dorang...

sy tataw nk bg tajuk ape...

arinie...saya pon xtaw nak watpe sebenarnya...wing mate saya ajak say kuar, tapi saya x rjin la plak kan..bukan sebab pe..saya malas la nak bazirkan duit plus sy jemur baju, kang hujan cmne? sape la nk angkat kan baju saya...hmm..

kadang-kadang aku se cm kosong jerk...xde sape nk bantu aku..aku pon lagi suke bersendirian..aku bukan lah nak tagih simpati sape- sape pon..hmm,, tah lah..
kadang-kadang bila aku da wat baik ngn orang, orang bukannye nak hargai...lagi die buat taik ngn aku..hmm.. lantak korang la... korang ngn hidup korang, aku dengan hidup aku.. hmmm.... bila kita sedih, susa nak luahkan kat orang lain.. ade masalah xde masalah same jerk...

hidup nie sekejap je...kita kat atas, sume orang suke, tapi cuba bile kita da jatuh, da xde pape.. pandang pon da xnk..jumpe pon buat2 xknl je la lumrah manusia..

pretend to be okay infront of my members...hmm.. sakit, tapi tabah... aku kena keje kuat untuk merealisasikan impian aku sendiri..ak tau walaupun ak x setaraf dengan yang lain-lain tapi aku akan cuba buat yang terbaik.. tapi tolong la jangan amek kesempatan kat orang lain..
bila aku se nak nangis, aku nangis, bila aku se nk suka, aku suka...

cakap pasal kaple.. seronok ke?
bahagia ke?
sape yg xnk rasa bahagia?
sape yang xnk disayangi?
sape yg xnk di cntai?
mungkin ini bukan lah masa yang sesuai untuk merasai sume tue..
tah la..ak pon xpernah terfikir sume nie...biar lah masa yang menentukan segalanya...

ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, ampunkanlah segala dosa ku dan permudah kanlah urusan ku dunia dan akhirat..halal kan segala makan dan minumku di dunia mu ini..
jauhkanlah aku daripada melakukan segala larangan Mu dan panjangkaln umur kedua ibu bapa ku..ampunkanlah segala dosa2 mereka...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,, sesungguhnya aku ini hanyalah manusia yang hina, yang sering alpa, yang sering mengulangi segala kesilapan, yang selalu lalai dengan urusan dunia sehingga kan kadang kala aku lupa terhadap diriMu..
Ya Allah, rahmati lah muslimin muslimat yang telah dulu menghadap Mu..Ringankan lah siksaan mereka dan tempat kan lah kami di kalangan hamba2Mu yang beriman...Amin~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Preview for the whole of this semester

Today, I would like to share with all of you about the whole of this semester. Day by day, many things happen in a day. Now, study week arrive and final examination will come soon.
Now, it is time to review what have been thought from all my lectures.

First, I will tell about my subject. You know what, the best experience for this semester is my friends and I have sold hot dog for my assignment co curriculum; entrepreneurship. We start sold from 8pm until our hot dog is sold out. Everything that we done have their own obstacle and problem, for example, when we do not have place to keep our hot dog freeze. We must think another idea to save our hot dog. From discussion that we have done with ‘makcik benteng’, we have decided to keep our hot dog there. But tomorrow when we go to take our hot dog, we have been informed that one of the makcik have used our hot dog to their dish. It makes us postpone continuing our business. After one by one obstacle we successfully faced, last night is the last day we sold our hot dog. Thank God, our hot dog is sold out. We finish it at 1.00 am. We sold our hot dog room by room at 3 colleges, Zamrud, Intan and Si Manja Kini. We did not sell at Sempana Alam Buana College because our stock is already finish. Although I felt so tired, I am very satisfied because our hot dog sold out. Thanks for them who have bought our hot dog.

Next is, I will tell about my subject IMD 202 (promotion product and services). In this subject we must do a final project that are been held at SMK Munshi Ibrahim. There, we have a task to introduce UiTM Segamat and Information management course to them. In this project, we have three department that are responsible to in charge this project to make sure that this project are success. We have exhibition, promotion and ‘seminar’ department. Each department have their own task and different with other department. Thank God, this project is success according to our plan. This subject is not bored but very enjoy because it teach me how to communicate with secondary students and be responsible to my department and my class. From our LDK activities, we have heard and saw many creative products that have been designed from them to promote library. One of the examples that are designed from their brainstorming with their members of group is ‘Bombastic chair that can help us to search book after we type the title that we want to search in library. We also can hear song by insert coin to the machine. Our programmed ended at 5 pm.

In CTU subject, I have learned how to manage information according to Islam ways. Ustaz also shows us video about “Umat akhir zaman”. This video makes us realize about the real history.

For subject BEL, I have learned how to create a blog that can be used to story anything and share with others. At the same time, I also have learn how to be punctual to come to the class and not talking too much when the lecturer in the class.

Next is IMD 203 which is PC maintenance. This subject is quite difficult because it involve technical that I actually did not expert one in this part. By the way, this subject also fun because I have learned about the components in the motherboard and what are the types of operating system that are used in computer.

Other than that is subject IMD 201 (Access to information). At the end of this syllabus, I have learned how to access information. But I think this subject have many assignment that make me feel very tired every day.

Last but not least is subject IMD 255 (technical support and services). In this subject, I know the library works and the process of gathering books for library needs.

In my opinion, this semester is very busy because we got many assignments to do. This semester gave very meaningful experience and sweet memories to me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

10 things that i hate most

1) I do not like beetles. I will scream if the beetles alight on my clothes. Normally my brother likes to tease me with the beetles. When I know he wants to do so, I would run away from him.

2) I do not like wasting time. I do not like to fill my time without making anything. For me, time is precious. If I get bored, I will do everything, but I would feel very guilty for not filling the time with things that are worthwhile and let it go away.

3) I do not like bright color. This is because striking color just only can attract people to see us. I do not like to be the people's attention because people will always deal with us either good or bad.

4) Food. I do not like wasting food. If I buy some food, I will try to finish it. This is because, for me, food is money. We buy food with our money. If we did not finish the food it just like we are throwing our money away.

5) I do not like the noise situation. The noise situation is only made me into fiber and tension. So, sometimes I would look for a quiet evening star can get some rest for my brain.

6) I also do not like people who like to run amok without any reason. If he has a problem, he should not let his anger to others.

7) I do not like flying cockroaches. It makes me scare and have very foul smell. I have been scolded from my mom because screamed when the cockroach are flying towards me.

8) Take my things without permission. I would be angry if anyone takes my stuff without my permission. I will try to keep my things properly. However, if there are others who harass or take, use and not keeping well, I would be angry and will not talk to them until my mood is okay.

9) I do not like to wait. When someone had promised with me, he or she must come at the right time because time is very important to me. Every moment is precious.

10) I do not like being forced. When I have been forced, all my work can not be settle completely.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 facts about me

Hello everyone! How are you today? Long time I am not writing on this space. Today I will tell you about 10 facts about me. It is very difficult to share because I actually do not know what the 10 facts about me that are not everyone knows about me. Here I will describe a little bit facts about me:

1. First of all, I think most of you think that I am not a shy person but the true is yes I am. I am shy with people that I did not know, even that person is member of my friends. I also shy with my classmates although we have been together until this semester. I do not know why but that is me.

2. Next is I am love to see beautiful things and big house.. This is because living in a big house is my dreams. This dream makes me want to study and success in my study.

3. Other than that is I am very sensitive person. I cannot watch television programmed that have sad part. I will cry, even that part is not too sad. I cannot see people cry because I will cry without my control.

4. In addition, I am a person that easy feels bored with something or someone. That is why sometimes I will alone, far with others. It makes me thinking of something and I feel free from anything.

5. Cry. For me, crying is the best ways to release tension. If I feel stress and tension with something that is really distribute my emotion, I will cry. After that, I will feel zero. No more tensions and no more stress. Sometimes I also type what happen in my laptop for my diary.

6. I try to change myself to the better one. Knowing a lot of people adding my knowledge. Very meaningful knowledge. Sometimes when we have problems, in sad, we know who is the person that will accompany and besides us. Experience teaches me a lot of things and I am still learning to be a useful and grateful person.

7. Hot tempered. Did you know that actually I am a hot tempered person? I think you not know. At home, I always mad my younger sister even though it just a small matter. I do not know why. Sometimes, I will make her cry, and when she cries, I will so sad and I will cry too but in my rooms. Deep in my heart, I mad her because I want her to success and not just depends to other people. I love her so much.

8. I not know how to choose a perfume, and I do not think that wearing perfumes is a necessary. I think it just waste money. I just wear Lovillea Gelly Cologne and it is enough I think. The price also cheaper than other perfumes because it below than RM10. I just wear it when I want, if not, I just leave it. That is why it did not easily finish. I can keep it for a long time and did not have to buy another.

9. I like business very much. I like this field since me in primary school. I have a dream to have my own business. In holidays, I have work at “Kilang Keropok Sri Mersing” at my hometown. Here, I have met many people that involved in business and become success. I also learn about business and how to handle customer. When I work, I got money. This is the best part because I can give this money to my parents and buy some groceries.

10. I love sports very much. Sports make me feel fresh and healthy. I start join sports since in primary school because all my brothers are active in sports. In secondary school everyone recognize me because I got number one in cross country. After that I start represent the school and district championships in cross country. I also have become captain in my netball teams when I in form five. I love sports because I can go any place in Johor and got new friends from difference place. Here at UiTM I also join netball training every evening but because of a lot of assignment and work that I must do, I leave it for a while. I hope I can join Karisma this semester but it depends on my commitment to attend the training every day.

My classmates

Have you ever wondered that you will find and get awesome friends? Surrounding you when you are a far from your parents? Well, it is happen to me. Thanks god I have met friends that always make me laugh. ISD3E1 is my class. I have been in this class for 3 semesters since I am in part 1. In this class, there are 7 boys and 23 girls. All my friends come from different place and all of them have different characters and style.

Qayyum. In class, he can be categorized as a stylish person. From his style, he looks like comes from a loaded family. He always comes late to class.

Mabad @ Ersyad. Peviously, Ersyad is our class rap during part 1. However, this semester, he is known as vice-president of IMS society. He is like chips more because he often came to class.

Hulk @ Hazriq is a very sporting and matured. In his mind, he always thinks about business. He also can handle the problem in our class. However, he often disappeared. Maybe he is busy in his business. Furthermore, he became JPK (Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej) in this semester.

Zul_jin. He was project leader for our final project. He was very funny. He also has an advantage where he can make a dance style "sotong”. His face likes a Chinese person as Nabiha. When two of them sit together, they look like siblings. Although he is a funny, his characters change when he became project leader for our final project.

Next is Arif or known as Tutu. Tutu is our assistant class rap. He is a serious person. This semester, he is quite busy. This is because, he is one of the exco in our society. The best thing about his is he good in editing picture and creative. He looks like a discipline person. Tutu and zul is very close. Everywhere they go, they will be together.

Faizul @ perot. He is a funny person. He and Hazriq are come from the same place; Gombak. I still remembered that during part 2, our sir bel call them “Gombak brothers". Perot is very sporting person. He always helps us in getting cop for activities that held in uitm.

Last boy in my class is Naqib. He is a funny person because he always makes a joke in class. Sometimes he laughs to loud until other class mad him. But he has a cute smile. In silence, he is clever boy.

Let move to girls in my class. Let start with Mira, the prettiest girl in my class. She is kind person and not easy too get mad. I am comfortable with her because she is soft spoken and will listen what people say. She always with her best friends; Iqa, Wawa, and Afie.

Iqa is the clever girl in our class. She easy to ketchup what lecturers teach. She has big eyes and her eyes sometimes show like she is arrogant. I think people that did not know her well, will said that she is arrogant person. Actually she is okay and nice person.

Hazwani @ Wawa and Fatin @ Afie. They are silence person. They did not talk too much in class but they are nice and kind to all of us. Two of them are very hardworking person in our class.

Anisahwati @ ponti. The cute class representative in our class. I love her so much. She is the best and very supportive. She love to laugh and her laugh makes all of us happy. She is different with other girls because she have something specials that I do not know how to describe it. I close with her since part 1.

Asmah @ Acu. She always makes me smile. She looks like aggressive girl, but the true is she is very soft person and matured. She is good in giving advice and opinion. She also clever and can speak English well. I really respect her.

Bieha is like sister to me. She is good in debate and can perform well in that competition. She always confident in do anything.

Fieyza is a ‘sempoi’ girl in our class. When I saw and chat with her, her face always smile likes she has no problems.

Siti Noor Aishah @ Sha is come from Kedah. She also has a soft skin.
Sometimes she talk in her slang that makes our class did not understand what she is talking about. But in the same times, we learn Kedah slang. She always with Nadhirah and Nuswatun.

Nuswatun. This semester Nus become a one of the JPK in sector B. she is quite busy this semester, but she still can help others in class. She also is a good listener in listen others problems.

Nadhirah is silence girls in my class. She did not talk too much in class but it is not means that she is arrogant. When you start talk with her, you will know her.

Zaharah or Zara. She is one of the members of herbalife. She has a good voice when a presentation and she brave in talk in front of others do. She is closed with iza, diyana and ain.

Diana or sometimes I will call her Dayan. She has a unique hair. Some of us call her ‘Beyonce’. She is goods in speaking because she always speaking at her home with her family and friends.

Iza and Ain are lives in same rooms. So they start closed this semester. They like sister and younger sister when walk together.

Shiera and fashiehah are very close. They start closed since part 2. Both of them like to wear shawls. They look pretty when they wear shawls.

Ku nurazila or known as ‘Kuchek’ have a cute face. Sometimes she likes chips more. She always with Mia, her best friend. Mia is a friendly person. She always smile to others.

Pinas and Siti are best friends. They like siblings because they are closed since in part 1. They are very hard working and struggle in study.